
Baby I'm Amazed

I didn't go to work today, and I need to be careful because it's starting to become a pattern for me. Anyway, I woke up and my right calve was aching--it had been aching all night. I decided to take the day off from everything--work and workouts. I think I might be pushing myself a little too hard.

But I'm seeing such great results in the way I look. I hate to stop anything I'm doing. I'm not really losing weight right now, but I'm firming up so much. I must've lost a good half inch from my thighs, and at least that much from other areas. In fact, my measurement under my breasts is 37 inches. My butt is 40. Waist about 33. Around my boobs it's 43. My waist when I started all of this was 45 inches. So I've lost an entire foot of fat from around my middle. When I think of it like that I'm amazed myself.

Here's the rotation plan that I'm doing for my diet: 1200 calories for three days, 1500 for four, and then a week at 1800. And then I start all over again. The diet includes lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meat like chicken and fish (certain kinds of fish like tuna and salmon), low fat dairy, and whole grains. I'm going to work up some menus ahead of time so I'm less likely to cheat. I'm also writing it all down. OK, that's to kick start me. Then after three weeks, I'm moving to a 1200 day, 1500 day, 1800 day and back again so my body doesn't get used to any kind pattern. I'm hoping that if I mix it up enough, I'll begin to see some progress on the scale again. I know that the scale isn't the only measure of success. But so many things make the scale important--even Weight Watchers.

So that's where I am now. Until next time.


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