
Back From Da'Burgh

Sorry I've been incommunicado this week. My son-in-law was out of town and so I was in Pittsburgh with my daughter and granddaughter, doing Grammy Lynn stuff - you know, buying Claire lime green sandals and orange sandals and pink sandals and dresses to match. We also bought a new bath book, "Caps For Sale," and few books for a friend's new baby. Claire recommended her favorite Sandra Boynton books.

I did well with holding her and getting her in and out of her stroller. My wrists held up well and I made sure to not tax them to the point of pain. It’s not easy when I want to hold that kid all the time and kiss her cheeks. She’s just so addicting!

I went to Trader Joe's with my friend Carol yesterday morning. I haven't been there in at least two months. I have a new food find. It’s the Food For Life Ezekiel 4:9 Organic Cinnamon Raisin bread. It’s whole grain, 80 calories, no fat, 2 grams of fiber and a nice amount of potassium. Low sodium, too. Toasted, it’s the only way I’ll eat raisins. I tried a slice this morning with a little Land ‘O Lakes light butter (1/2 teaspoon at the most) and it was the perfect pre-workout food! Very yummy.

I feel a bit off this week in terms of exercise. I haven’t done a cardio workout in three days. Today I hit the elliptical for at least 30 minutes, but I’m trying to not feel guilty or regret that I missed the chance for a cardio workout on Tuesday. I made the choice to stay in the house with my daughter and granddaughter in case they needed me instead of go to the gym for an hour. I know I made the right decision, but I still, after all these months in maintenance, go into a sort of panic mode, that “Oh my god I’ll gain 170 pounds TOMORROW if I don’t work out TODAY!”

Irrational, yes, but very real and something I have to deal with, think about, work out in my head. Staying present, being mindful…

How do you talk yourself down from those high places? What are your coping mechanisms?


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