
Finishing the Things I Start

I got the backyard raked last night. I have the blisters on my hands to prove it—and I even wore gloves. It didn't take me as long as I thought it would—75 minutes. It was still quite a workout. I can really feel it in my arms today. Wow. I'm glad I finished it last night. It's raining today. But finish things that I start is something I need to work on. So I forced myself to finish the task. I remember when I first started exercising, that was how I got through the workouts—forcing myself to finish them. Now I need to start thinking like that again.

Last night, I had almost all of the leaves raked into this huge pile that i was going push over into The Compost Corner. I was so tired from raking. I thought about finishing the job today. I thought about getting my brother to roll them over to the corner. Then I thought, this is just like you—getting almost to your goal and then giving up. All I had to do was roll them over into the corner. Another 10 minutes of work after more than an hour. And I was ready to quit. But I made myself finish the task. Today I feel like I'm a better person for it.

At the gym this morning, I did 45 minutes of cardio on the treadmill—15 minutes at 5% incline, 15 minutes at 8%, and then 15 minutes of gradually lowering the treadmill to 0% incline. I still have not taken on the weights again. I will tomorrow. I can't let JD beat me in our bet. Never, I tell ya. Never.

I'm really working on the diet. Last night was easy. I had something to keep me occupied. But if I stick to my resolution to work on my house for one hour a day, I should be able to keep my eating under control.

OK. Not much else to say today.


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