
It's Moments Like These

After a weekend with my girls, I'm exhausted. I took the morning off so I could sleep in--I have a huge amount of vacation time that I need to take before I lose it. I just don't take that much vacation time anymore. There's nothing to do when there's no one to enjoy it with you. So I slept in. I actually slept for 12 hours. After two nights of little girls tossing and turning and throwing their legs over me, I need a good nights sleep.

If there's one good thing in my life about being a widow it's that I love sleeping alone. I can sprawl out on the bed. I can sleep in direction I wish to. It's Heaven. But I would trade it if I could have my buddy back.

Anyway, since I slept in, that means I didn't go to the gym. But I will tomorrow. I also will begin a new eating plan. I'm going to get back into I haven't kept up with it in a long while. It really did help me keep the eating under control. I want to keep a journal that I can write in through out the day as well. I need a smaller notebook for that. I'm constantly starting journals that I write in for a little while then don't keep up with. There are these little half-started journals everywhere in my house, my purse, and who know where else. Sometimes I think about what will happen when I die, and my family runs across them. Oh well. I couldn't possibly find them all. So, I guess the cat will be out of the bag then, won't it? But what will I care? I'll be dead.

Honest to God, my neighbor put up his Christmas decorations yesterday. Seriously.

Having my girls here over the weekend was great. Oh we had our moments--like yesterday when they started fighting over a wagon--like one of those little red wagons but it's plastic. I couldn't take it anymore, and they both went to time out. But there are funny moments, too. Like when The Little One got hurt--not that that's funny--and I asked,"Show me where you got hurt?" And she pointed to the edge of the patio and said, "Over there." Of course I meant where on her little body did she get hurt. I laughed until I cried. She ended up laughing, too.

The Little One has figured out that if she cries, I'll pick her up and hold her. At first she had me buffaloed. But I've caught on to her scram now.

Anyway, I don't pay a lot of attention to what I was eating while they were here. Although I was getting a lot more exercise--I don't think it was enough to X out all of the extra calories.

OK. I'm going to relax a little more, and then get ready for work.


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