
In a Public Place

Made it the gym today. i did the 15% incline workout again. It got through 35 minutes of walking at various inclines that ended up at 15%. It's a tough workout, but I feel like I've done something. It was hard to talk myself into completing 30 minutes. I kept saying to myself, if you finish this, you can finish anything, I've been known for starting things that I never finish—or it takes me forever to complete it. So I feel like I accomplished something. I've got to get back to the weights tomorrow. I'm still going to baby my leg though.

Tomorrow I also begin a new resolution to keep track of what I'm eating and how much I exercise. I think I'm also going to include working on my house for at least one hour per day. I can't stand it anymore. It needs a good cleaning first—then I can finish the projects I started a year ago. Yes, I said a year ago. Isn't that sad?

So my goals are:
30 to 45 minutes of cardio five days per week
30 minutes of strength training two days per week
no more than 1800 calories per day, but at least 1200
one hour of working on my house per day

Weight loss will be a bonus.

I'm up six pounds from my lowest weight—meaning I now weigh 201. That was a number I never wanted to see again. But it keeps chasing me. I hope I can eventually out run it.

So I'm making my new resolution public.


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