
Sanskrit Quote : Category - Gluttony and Garrulousness

जिह्वे प्रमाणं जानीहि भाषणे भोजनेऽपि च।

अत्युक्तिरतिभुक्तिश्च सद्य: प्राणापहारिणी।

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Know your limitations "O, tongue, regarding speech and eating . Garrulousness and gluttony can cause instantaneous death.

Commentary on Sanskrit Quote:

This is a special kind of Subhashita. This is called an 'Anyokti' or a couplet containing a message addressed to someone whom it is not intended. The sensitivity of the poets shown in addressing the messages is really amazing. We have myriad kinds of people and none of them are the same when it comes to categorising them according to their menatal makeup. When it comes to instructing someone, each needs a different kind of approach. If someone needs to be addressed to directly, someone else might just want a slight hint.

This is addressed to a 'Tongue' on the fore. But it is really intended to be conveyed to a person who is both glutton and garrulous. But a sensitive person might feel hurt deeply when told so. Our poets were in a sense, "Masters of Mind."
Most of us don't understand the value of talk, silence and less-speech. Most of the times what we speak is sheer rubbish and useless. The core of our intention would be lost in the jungle of expression. Most of us would be better-off silent.

Both garrulousness and gluttony can assume dangerous proportions so as to cause death. Limit in eating is also a very good habit. Strangely tongue is involved in both. We would do well to keep the limits in both respects. I am amazed at the likeness of the ideas expressed by poets belonging to different times and locations. The same idea is expressed in a Kannada saying " ಊಟ ಬಲ್ಲವನಿಗೆ ರೋಗವಿಲ್ಲ, ಮಾತು ಬಲ್ಲವನಿಗೆ ಜಗಳವಿಲ್ಲ." meaning - One who knows the limit of eating never suffers a disease and he who knows the limits of speech never picks up a quarrel.


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