
This is Halloween

This week was Halloween so I made the most of this theme by using it to add a bit of extra spice to the weeks events.

I wrote some Halloween plays and we sang an edited version of the 12 Days of Christmas called the 12 Days of Halloween, which was fun!

The Quemada was perfect for this week and afterwards we held ghost stories in the dark which was a nice change; although it started off slowly.
My magic had a darker twist to it too, which took me back to my old days of performing the more Bizarre magic; it was a lot of fun and folks enjoyed it which made it worthwhile. The Anglos got to read 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe - Spaniards click the name to see the poem in full.
or check out YouTube for a variety of people reading it - the Vincent Price version is good ;)

I finally got to put a play into use, after over a year from when I wrote it and shelved it. As it had never been performed it was good to see the hard work had paid off and now was the time to put it to use and it worked well - especially Dracula!
The party was a Monster Mash with Halloween songs built in to keep the atmosphere undead!

It was good to see such wonderful people giving so much yet again and willing to do just about anything - thank you all for making my job even easier ;)

From Vaughan Town - Monfrague - Program 133


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